Research the laws of Nigeria and China. Compare and contrast the laws of these t

Research the laws of Nigeria and China. Compare and contrast the laws of these two countries with the United States and each other.
Your research should answer or explore the following:
Do these countries have constitutions? Provide summaries of these constitutions.
How similar of different are they to the United States Constitution and each other
Do these constitutions provide protection of individual rights and how similar or different are those rights to each other and the US Constitution?
Do they provide Miranda Warnings to criminal defendants? What are these warnings and how extensive are they?
Do they have fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh Amendment protections like those of the United States. How are they similar and how are they different?
Your research results should be summarized in WORD format.
Research Sources used should be identified and their content summarized.
Please utilize various research resources, e.g., college and county libraries and the Library of Congress’s library.

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