COMPANY PROFILE PROJECT GUIDELINES Project Purpose: The purpose of this project

Project Purpose:
The purpose of this project is two-fold:
1) to learn more about a company that you might actually want to work for (or continue working for) upon graduation with your baccalaureate degree and
2) to draft a formal business report that similar to a report that you might be expected to develop as an employee working in a business.
There are two different assignments which make up this Company Profile Project: (1) The Company Profile Report and (2) a PowerPoint.
1) The Company Profile Report, a “business report,” requires formal, polished writing comprised of an “orderly and objective presentation of information” (Ober, 2006, p. 345). See Chapters 10-12 for more information about writing reports. The Company Profile Report is worth 20% of your final grade in the course.
2) The PowerPoint will highlight relevant information derived from your Profile Report, which you would want to share if you were formally presenting your findings to the class. The PowerPoint is worth 10% of your final grade in the course.
Think of your audience as a room full of potential employees. Include yourself and include me. Would you want to work for this company, would I, would your classmates? Your Company Profile Report should help us answer this question. As an employee you would likely be expected to present your findings to your team (department/division). Therefore, you want to include enough information to give your fellow students (and me) evidence of why this company would be great to work for (because they have great benefits, opportunity for advancement, great pay, etc.) or why this company would not be the best choice for employment after graduation.

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