Your assignment for Essay Three is to research a banned or challenged book and f

Your assignment for Essay Three is to research a banned or challenged book and find out everything you can about when, where, and why it has been banned or challenged—and also to reflect on your research. There are hundreds of books you can choose from. (in this case the book I’ve chosen is Animal Farm by George Orwell)
This is a two-part informative research project (as in, your goal is to “inform” your readers) using MLA style citations.
Part One: Your research question will simply be: What is the censorship/banning history of the book I have chosen? What are the stories of when, where, and why?
Part Two: You are also asked to include a reflective component to your paper that incorporates your thoughts on banned books and censorship in general, along with your thoughts about the specific banned or challenged book you researched.
The first step is to spend time exploring these websites as you begin your research:
Here are the specifics of the assignment:
Length—750-1,000 words (3-4 double spaced pages, not including Works Cited page). Be sure to include your word count.
Number of good credible sources—at least 5
Citation Style—MLA
(Note: My dad was diagnosed with cancer earlier last month, and I’ve been unable to work on much of my college work inthe time since. So I’ve come to this site to find someone who can help complete this for me.)

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