Assignment Details Review the articles located in Module 12 folder titled Learni

Assignment Details
Review the articles located in Module 12 folder titled Learning Material and Required Reading.
Develop a 750 to 900 word paper that discusses the trends and challenges in instructional design you found most interesting. You may also conduct additional research to find other resources on the topic of trends and challenges in instructional design.
The content of your paper should include the following information:
Introduction – Discuss instructional design and it’s significance to education or industry.
Body – Discuss three trends and three issues you found interesting from your reading or research.
Conclusion – Discuss your personal thoughts about the implications for the future of instructional design based on the trends and challenges your discussed.
Reference Page – Provide at least 4 references using APA 7th edition guidelines.
Your paper should be typed in Times New Roman using a font size of 12 and double spaced.
Include a title page with the following information:
Title of Paper – Trends and Issues in Instructional Design
Student Name – First and Last
Course Name – APT 501: Instructional Design Systems
University Name – Alabama State University
Date – Month, Date, Year

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