The report should be typed using Times New Roman fond size 12 and it should be s

The report should be typed using Times New Roman fond size 12 and it should be single spaced 2 to 3 pages, one additional for the report title and one for your portfolio performance (five total).
You should start by talking about your initial exposure to the financial markets via StockTrak and how you approached your first trades. You can continue talking about how your trading developed, major stock winners you invested and major stock losers, what did you learn about the financial markets. You can talk about what was happening in the financial markets during these times. You must talk about your portfolio performance when compared to the S&P(graph). You can close your report by explaining what you would have differently in the beginning of the trading if you had the experience you gained by the end of the semester.
In the last page you should obtain your portfolio and the S&P performance graph.

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