you will be presenting a hypothetical research study about something you find in

you will be presenting a hypothetical research study about something you find interesting about psychology.
Presentation Proposal Paper (4 points)
1. What area of psychology are you choosing to focus on? Why?
(One of the below)
a. Biological Psychology
b. Behavioral Psychology
c. Cognitive Psychology
d. Sociocultural Psychology
e. Personality Psychology
f. Developmental Psychology
2. What is your proposed research question? What will you be hypothetically testing?
3. What research method will you use and why? What data will you collect?
4. What is your hypothesis? What are your expected results?
Research Article Summary (4 points)
After you have selected an area of psychology, you need to find one peer-reviewed research article in PsycNET that
relates to the proposed experiment. Please create a proper APA style citation and summarize (in
paragraph format) the main points of the article, including methodology and results, in enough
detail to give the reader a basic understanding of the article. The article summary is due along
with the presentation proposal.
Research Article Summary Rubric
___ Peer-reviewed scholarly article (.25 point)
___ Includes correct APA style reference at top of summary (.5 points)
___ Summarized article including methods and results in approximately one to two pages and in enough
detail group members can understand (no quotes) (2 points)
___ Briefly describe the strengths and weaknesses of the article (.5 point)
___ Explain how it informs your proposed research study (.5 point)
___ Grammatically correct, no spelling, or punctuation errors (.25 point)

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