Cross-Examination of Direct Testimony Please note that this is a forensic psycho

Cross-Examination of Direct Testimony
Please note that this is a forensic psychology graduate assignment. While this is in court, this is a matter of evaluation and methodologies of psychologists.
In this assignment, you will prepare for a cross-examination in a courtroom setting. Remember that because the cross-examination cannot typically go beyond the material covered in the direct examination, it should be quite predictable. Complete the following:
Develop a series of 8-10 questions that you would expect during cross-examination. Each should be followed by a brief explanation of why you believe they effectively challenge your own direct testimony. To do so, you should imagine what questions one might ask while representing the opinion opposite to your own.
The following topics must be represented in your questions:
Methodologies used, including whether others were better suited.
Possible contradictions between the original report data, and conclusions and opinions drawn.
Logical inconsistencies or vagueness of language in your direct testimony.
Limitations of the report data.
Additional Requirements
Formatting: Number and bold face your questions.
Length: 4-5 double spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.
References I have looked up so far:
Grønnerød, C., Grøndahl, P., & Stridbeck, U. (2016). Forensic psychiatric experts under the legal microscope. Legal & Criminological Psychology, 21(1), 15–24.
Otto, R. K., DeMier, R. L., & Boccaccini, M. L. (2014). Forensic reports & testimony: A guide to effective communication for psychologists and psychiatrists (1st ed.). Wiley.
American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (2002, amended effective June 1, 2010, and January 1, 2017).

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