The purpose of this paper to explain the relationships between theory, research,

The purpose of this paper to explain the relationships between theory, research, and evidence-based practice beginning with Florence Nightingale. Her work was instrumental for developing modern nursing practice. Her Environmental Theory changed the face of nursing to create sanitary conditions for patients to get care. Much of our care directly reflects her theory.
Write a 3-page narrative (3-pages maximum – 5-point deduction for over/under page limit as submitted in Turnitin) in 7th edition APA formatting. Include a title page, abstract page, and a reference page. Use level 1 headings (and level 2 subheadings if needed), use intext citations and cite on the reference page. This is a scholarly publishable paper – DO NOT WRITE IN FIRST PERSON. Use current published peer-reviewed literature found in FIU library databases to support your statements. Do not use web pages as a reference for your paper.
Page 1: Title page: What would Florence Nightingale Say about Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Today? Use a running head according to 7th edition APA (a shortened version of the title – 50 characters or less in ALL CAPS on each page of the document).
Page 2: [separate page] Abstract: The abstract should open with a sentence that will serve as an introduction to the purpose of your paper. You may reuse the same sentence for your introductory paragraph. Refer to your APA Manual on how to draft an abstract. An abstract is usually a brief outline of the contents you wrote in the paper and typically does not exceed 250 words. At the end of the abstract place the phrase Keywords and denote 3-4 keywords that would describe your paper (for publication and indexing in CINAHL or PubMed).
Pages 3-5: Narrative (three pages maximum), points deducted for over/under page limits.
Page 6: [separate page] Reference page. Refer to your 7th edition APA Manual.
This review is a scholarly publishable paper in 7th edition APA format and with at least three APA references cited both in the text and the reference page.
Inclusion/Exclusion criteria for references:
Use the database found in FIU library to conduct a Literature Review to find articles from peer-reviewed journals.
Do Not use websites. Only use library database sites to find reference materials.
Cite the articles in the text and reference page.
Do not use quotes [practice paraphrasing]

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