Literature Review Topics • First, briefly explain the broad issues related to y

Literature Review Topics
• First, briefly explain the broad issues related to your investigation; you don’t need to write much about this, just demonstrate that you are aware of the breadth of your subject
• Then narrow your focus to deal with the studies that overlap with your research
• Finally, hone in on any research which is directly related to your specific investigation. Proportionally you spend most time discussing those studies which have the most direct relevance to your research
Organizing Literature review recommendation
There are several possible approaches, which can be combined (there are others):
• organised around key themes or debates
• from distant to close; from less specific to more specific
• generic knowledge – conceptual framework; understanding of specific context; applying theory to context
• a methodological approach, following the different methods used in your field
• a chronological approach.
Broad overview : Linked an example in the document as well.
(come up with headlines topic, use throughout)

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