Research Paper Final Draft Now that you have received feedback on your rough dra

Research Paper Final Draft
Now that you have received feedback on your rough draft, let’s move on to the final! This is where we pull everything together.
What is a Final Draft?
This is your opportunity to showcase your learning for the semester in a substantive, complete, polished, academic format. A final draft doesn’t mean that no more work could be done on the topic or that no improvements could be made. But it is your contribution to scholarly discourse, and the way it is put together should demonstrate that.
Your Argument
By now, your argument should be clear and distinct. You can’t just describe; all the information in your paper should build up to a productive final conclusion.
Source Integration
No argument can succeed without evidence! Make sure each paragraph contains evidence (a good goal is to include at least two sources with quotes or detailed paraphrased sentences) from your research and that you use primary sources as well as secondary texts throughout your paper. Paraphrase thoroughly and accurately. Always follow quotes with your own analysis or comment. Caption all illustrations. And don’t forget to carefully explain how the evidence supports your conclusions, rather than making the reader do that work on their own.
In your rough draft, we weren’t too worried about sentence-level writing, things like commas, spelling, and Chicago formatting. For your final draft, we care about those things! Submitting polished and generally well-edited work is one way we build our scholarly credibility. It tells our readers “You can trust me—I pay attention to details.”
Logistics and Required Elements
Your final draft should include the following elements:
A descriptive title;
An introduction that prepares your reader and includes a thesis statement;
10ish pages of well-formed body paragraphs. These paragraphs must include evidence from all of your sources as well as your own analysis of the evidence, and should all support your central argument;
Footnotes that show where in the text you are using your sources;
A conclusion that brings your topic to a non-arbitrary end; and
A bibliography at the end of the draft that includes all sources used.
Use Chicago for the overall page format
Use Times New Roman 12, double-spaced
Cite your sources with Chicago-style footnotes and a bibliography
Incorporate at least 3 primary sources
Incorporate at least 3 secondary sources
Upload either a Microsoft Word document or PDF file to this assignment folder on D2L. This assignment is worth 10% your final grade in HIS 121.
Due Date
Nov 18, 2021 11:59 PM

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