Read the selection by David McCullough, “Harry Truman: “One Tough Son-of-a-Bitch

Read the selection by David McCullough, “Harry Truman: “One Tough Son-of-a-Bitch of a Man.” It is on pages 252-265 of Oates and Errico, eds., Portrait of America, 10th Edition.
Write a well-reasoned essay addressing the following question:
According to McCullough, what did President Truman feel was his most difficult decision while in office and why? Was his view of the decision shaped by his idea of the “Lesson of Munich”?
your paper will be evaluated by The website only accepts certain file formats. For example, it does not accept documents written with Microsoft WordPad or Apple Pages. Your paper must be in PDF or Word Document formats. These are the easiest formats for to evaluate it.
This is not a research paper. You are addressing the assigned topic concerning the reading. In your essay, you should not use other sources than the reading in Portrait of America. Since you are only using one source you do not need a Works Cited section on your paper.
When appropriate, you must cite information, ideas, and text from the reading. Since you are only to use one source, you do not need to include a works cited page. The citation method you are to use is explained, with two examples, below and differs from both the MLA and APA styles.
A paper of this length should have very few, if any, direct quotations. The focus is your writing, not repeatedly quoting the author. You should use direct quotations sparingly. You should not use floating quotations, which are direct quotations that are placed in the text without any context. You should place direct quotations in context and not use quotations as complete sentences. When using a direct quotation, place it into context, instead of just dropping them in the body of the paper or using them as an inefficient transition. This does not mean you should not cite information, but you should paraphrase the material and use few, if any, direct quotations. Paraphrasing is not changing a couple of words in a passage while maintaining the author’s original voice and structure. That is plagiarism.
After writing your paper, check the report to assure you have not made a too extensive use of quoted material and that quoted material is properly cited. It is available in the Dropbox, where you submitted your paper. If you paper’s Turnitin percentage is over 15-20% you need to revise your paper using better paraphrasing. If you have a question about the percentage or proper paraphrasing, please contact me and I will help you.
You should avoid using direct quotations to make a transition. This is not a good habit and your paper will be improved by using effective transitions.
This paper must be in essay format. Do not use bullet statements. Do not delineate the sections of your paper using headings; you should make transitions from one section to another. Adequate transitions are important aspect of well-written papers.
The paper must be at least 3-4 pages in length. You should not go longer than the fourth page. An important part of writing is organizing the information and a length limit requires one to analyze the reading, respond to the assigned topic, and not just write a summary of everything in the reading.
You must use Times New Roman 12pt. font and double-space your essay
Your essay must have a clear thesis statement. If you do not have a clear, specific thesis statement there will be a ten (10) point deduction.
A thesis statement is comprised of one sentence and expresses the main points of your paper.
Your essay must have a clear thesis that directly address your points about the assigned topic.
Do not use colloquial language in your paper.
This is an academic paper and you should use formal language in this paper.
Do not use contractions.
Use the active voice and the past tense. Keep the tense consistent.
When writing your essay, recognize the historical point-of-view.
You should remember that you have the perspective that allows you to know how events transpired and what subsequent events occurred, which is something those who were part of historic events did not know.

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