In the Earth Mothers and Rebellious Sons video, Mike Rugnetta discusses two grea

In the Earth Mothers and Rebellious Sons video, Mike Rugnetta discusses two great goddesses you have read about, Gaia and Tiamat. Supporting yourself with the Earth Mothers and Rebellious Sons video, alongside the Great Goddesses video, and the texts you have read, reflect:
Earth Mothers and Rebellious Son video

Greag Goddesses video

What is the relationship between Gaia/Tiamat and Earth?
Who are Gaia’s/Tiamat’s children and what happens to those children?
What is the relationship between the goddesses and their children?
How is Gaia/Tiamat like a human mother?
What do Gaia and Tiamat have in common? How do they differ?
How does Gaia/Tiamat fit into the archetype of the great goddess?
What are some other great goddesses in mythology?
How can the psychological level of the goddesses myths be interpreted?
Can you think of a modern-day equivalent of the great goddess archetype?

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