As noted in the syllabus for this course, all students enrolled in PSYC 1301 are

As noted in the syllabus for this course, all students enrolled in PSYC 1301 are required to earn 8 research participation credits. You have the option to write papers summarizing research articles from psychology journals in lieu of research participation.
Each paper should summarize one research article and counts as the equivalent of one hour of research participation. Thus, if you do not participate in any research experiments, you much write eight papers to fulfill the research requirement (or six if completed in a timely manner as noted in the syllabus). Papers can also count towards the extra credit available in this course—again with one paper equaling one hour of research participation. Please review the syllabus for more information on this.
Paper requirements:
1. The paper must be typed, double-spaced with 1-inch margins and 12-point font.
2. The paper should be 2 to 3 pages in length.
3. All papers must be turned in no later than 12:00 PM (noon) on dead day (12/3/2021)—no late papers will be accepted. Papers must be turned in via the link in Blackboard.
4. Each paper should contain the following information:
a. What were the primary research questions for the study? In other words, what were the researchers trying to examine, and why?
b. Briefly describe how the researchers conducted their study. What type of research design did they use? Did they conduct a survey or experiment? Was data collected from human participants? If so, how many (what was their sample size)? How was the data collected (i.e., questionnaires, interviews, etc.)?
c. Briefly describe the results of the study. You aren’t expected to be able to interpret the statistics used, but you should be able to talk about the overall findings. (Hint: The findings are generally discussed in plain, nonstatistical language in the discussion section.)
d. Reflect on what you learned from reading this article, and briefly discuss what was or was not surprising about what the researchers found. Also mention any ideas for future research or follow-up studies that you would find interesting.
5. All information from the paper must be in summary form, meaning that you read the paper and put it in your own words. If you directly quote from the article or you copy word for word (or nearly word for word) from the article, you will not receive credit for this assignment.
6. Include an APA citation for the article you summarized.
Article selection (see following section for instructions on how to access these):
Articles for this assignment must be published between 2018-2020 in the journal, “Psychological Science.” Papers summarizing articles from other journals or from other years will not be graded.
How to locate articles:
1. Go to:
2. Click on the “E-Journals” tab and type in “Psychological Science” in the search box where it says “Find an electronic journal, magazine, or newspaper by title or ISSN”
3. Select the link for Psychological Science (0956-7976). The link for Sage journals will take you where you need to go. This is the link next to the text that says “from 01/01/1999 to present in SAGE Journals Online”
4. Select a year from 2019-2021, then browse the issues for that year to locate articles. (note: If you want to access the articles from off-campus, you may have to use the UTEP VPN)
If you have trouble finding articles, the staff at the library are very helpful!
utep username: mgonzalezm
password: Mgonza3667!

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