Write an analytical essay of a visual work of art (not an artist, but a specific

Write an analytical essay of a visual work of art (not an artist, but a specific work). The
primary goal of this essay is to conduct a detailed examination, one that uses
description, interpretation, and research to show how various elements of the craft come
together to create a cohesive and meaningful work of art. This essay does not need to be
thesis-driven, but should maintain an analytical tone and demonstrate critical thinking
throughout. Art takes many forms, and students are free to select any form that falls
within these guidelines.
Body Art
Performance Art
Interactive Media
Background information may be integrated, but should be secondary to the analysis and
interpretation. Students may also include critiques or judgments, showing why the
artwork is successful or unsuccessful. Provide MLA citations for any secondary sources,
and cite the artwork itself. Length: 800 W0rds

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