Overview of Quantitative Methods Quantitative methods have been the traditional

Overview of Quantitative Methods
Quantitative methods have been the traditional hallmarks of scientific inquiry.  From an early age, we are all aware of the mathematical rigors involved in quantitative analyses. In the discipline of criminal justice, researchers utilize a variety of statistical tools with which to analyze empirical data. The inferences and conclusions that are drawn from such quantitative techniques have provided for empirically-based public policy, increased professionalism in law enforcement, and the development of more effective rehabilitative tools within corrections. Were it not for quantitative methods, much of what we current know about the world of criminal justice would not exist.
After reading the Worrall article and Chapter 8 of Creswell’s Research Design, identify and discuss the key tenets of quantitative research methods used in research in criminal justice:
What do you see as the most critical aspects of quantitative research methods?
How do these key tenets of quantitative research assist us when evaluating criminal justice data?
How do these key tenets contribute to successfully interpreting published research findings?
How would you apply these tenets to answer a criminal justice research question?
Your initial post should be at least 400 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.
Required Resources
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Retrieved from https://content.uagc.edu
Chapter 8: Quantitative Methods
Worrall, J. L. (2000). In defense of the “quantoids”: More on the reasons for the quantitative emphasis in criminal justice education and research. Journal of the Criminal Justice Education, 11(2), 353-362. Retrieved from http://proquest.com
The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the ProQuest Central database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. This article will provide students with additional background information that will assist them in the development of their discussion forum posts for this week.

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