Read “Micmac,” a Native American version of the Cinderella story. Read “Little S

Read “Micmac,” a Native American version of the Cinderella story.
Read “Little Saddleslut,” a Greek version of the Cinderella story.
Read Maria Tatar’s essay “Cinderella.”
Post on Discussion Forum #11 (deadline for Initial Post: Friday, Nov. 19, at 11:59 p.m.
Writing Prompt:
Complete all assigned readings before posting on this week’s Discussion Forum.  Then perform the following four tasks (1 paragraph for each task):
1. Choose one or two statements from Maria Tatar’s essay “Cinderella” which strike you as particularly true or intriguing.  Explain the reason(s) for your choice.
2. “Micmac” and “Little Saddleslut” are not among the versions of Cinderella discussed by Maria Tatar in her essay.  Find at least two concepts in Maria Tatar’s essay which apply well to these two versions.  NOTE: These ideas should be different from your answer to number #1 above.
3. After reading the Native American “Micmac” and the Greek “Little Saddleslut,” identify the major differences between them.
4. Of the two versions assigned this week, which do you prefer?  Give reasons why.

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