OTHER: Refer to email sent earlier to customer support – I need a writer special

OTHER: Refer to email sent earlier to customer support
– I need a writer specialized in business strategy to revise the whole paper and improve the quality.
– Please refer to original guidelines for the topic, I attach it.
– Refer to the doctor’s bad feedback about the paper. Maybe it’s better to change the company name to a creative one.
– In the business model explain 9 elements and provide a canvas table for the 9 elements business model.
– I will attach a good example where the paper got a good grade, please don’t copy any content, don’t follow the same arrangement or same sequence. Just use it as a guide for revision to improve the paper.
Comments from Customer
PREVIOUS PAPER INSTRUCTIONS (#431843545): you need to develop a business strategy report for an unreal company, it requires to have charges and figures, benchmarkes with similar company as per table in the attached. More details in the attachment.
don’t copy from the example I attach, use it as a reference

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