Case Formulation (30%): Due November 22nd This paper will reflect your cumulativ

Case Formulation (30%): Due November 22nd
This paper will reflect your cumulative knowledge of information learned in the course thus far and your ability to integrate what you’ve learned into practice, synthesizing assessment, diagnosis, research, treatment, and clinical skill, as well as intuition. The paper should be 6-8 pages and utilize at least five citations from relevant readings, using APA style. You will select a client from your current field placement or one that you’ve worked with in the past and include the following information: 1) presenting problem 2) mental status exam 3) a biopsychosocial assessment 4) any relevant assessment tools used (i.e. DSM system measures, Beck Depression Inventory, ACE or any field-specific assessment tool) 5) a DSM diagnosis with a discussion of your assessment for the diagnosis 6) treatment plan, including recommended course of treatment with at least 2-3 goals and objectives 7) use of engagement strategies/methods for building a therapeutic alliance 8) exploration of transference and countertransference 9) a proposed theoretical orientation and purpose.

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