For your first formal essay, you will write a synthetic analysis that demonstrat

For your first formal essay, you will write a synthetic analysis that demonstrates how three assigned articles fit together to help you respond to a prompt. You will develop skills in using sources and responding to them, practicing quotation sandwiches. You will also develop skills in essay writing, including paragraphing, introducing, concluding, citing, and developing thesis statements.
For this essay, you will read and respond to three articles. You have the choice of continuing with our 3 articles from module 1 (Klein, Crenshaw, Chen and Murthy) or using the 3 below (don’t mix and match):
Boyd, “Why America Is Self-Segregating” (TS/IS 387-395)
Frum, “How Much Immigration Is Too Much? The Wrong Debate” (TS/IS 474-482)
Mehta, “Jobs, Crime, and Culture: The Threats That Aren’t” (TS/IS 458-472)
Using strategies that we study in this module, you will write an essay in which you discuss what these articles reveal either about how American tendencies to self-segregate impact communities that include immigrants, or about possible responses to climate change, depending on which 3 articles you choose. Focus on one specific aspect of these large issues and make a claim about it based on the three articles. To support your claim, you will show how the authors make points that fit together (whether they agree, disagree, converge, or diverge) to help you develop your own unique, unified argument. Your argument is analytic, meaning that you will examine each article and demonstrate what you find meaningful in each article, and synthetic, meaning that you will show in each body paragraph how two or more of the articles relate to each other to help you draw your own conclusions. Your argument will need to be developed from evidence present in the articles you choose and those sources only.
Your completed essay should consist of at least five well-developed paragraphs:
• An introductory paragraph, with your thesis as the last sentence
• Body paragraphs, each using one or more articles as evidence, with MLA style parenthetical citations
• A concluding paragraph
• An MLA style works-cited listing on a separate page
Your completed essay should be three to four full pages long, and should use MLA style formatting:
• Double-space evenly
• Use 12 point Times New Roman font
• Include an MLA style header on all pages, with four line identification on the first page only
• Include an original title for your essay that indicates something about your argument
Remember to adhere to the rules of formal academic style and standard edited English. You may use the first person singular (I/me/my) in your response sentences, as modeled in your templates. Avoid the second person (you/your), first person plural (we/our/us), and contractions.

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