The template for the RP Powerpoint is atttached(Research Proposal PPT) I dont ne

The template for the RP Powerpoint is atttached(Research Proposal PPT) I dont need slides 1 and 3 but everything else needs to be completed. I have to do a voice over on each slide explaining whats going on so i cant read word for word from each slide. In the speaker notes could you please add additional information for me to complete the voiceover.
I attatched some work that i started on so you can get an idea of what is needed(Senior Sem RP, Senior Sem Methods section, Research Project Disscussion Post) I am doing a study on the attitudes/perceptions of falcuty and non student athletes towards student athletes. In the slides of my work you will see my hypothesis, feel free to change it because I do think it could be worded better. Overall if you think something needs to be changed please feel free to do so! Lastly I attached 6 sources that you could use towards this assignment as well as for my RP, feel free to do more research if need be.
Sorry for all of the attached files, not trying to confuse you on anything.
Thank you again for the help! If you need any additional information from me please reach out and I will get it to you asap.

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