Describe the history of slavery in the British colonies and in the United States

Describe the history of slavery in the British colonies and in the United States from the 1600s to the 1850s. Discuss how white racial ideology rationalized the kidnapping of Africans and their exploitation as “property” and how that ideology evolved, including white explanations for “blackness.” Discuss the tasks enslaved African Americans were given, and skills they brought with them from Africa. Discuss how slavery almost disappeared because of the fall of tobacco prices, but made a comeback because of the invention of the cotton gin. Analyze how African American religion, and music, folktales, helped them survive slavery, Then detail the various forms of African American resistance to oppression such as sabotage, work slowdowns, taking property from enslavers, running away, and forms of violent resistance such as slave revolts or physical self-defense against enslavers. Finally, mention how whites used highly flawed “race science” to justify their treatment of African Americans in the time of slavery. (Standard Learning Objectives 1, 2, and 3.)

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