Strategic HR Audit Assignment Instructions Overview Choose any company with 100

Strategic HR Audit Assignment Instructions
Choose any company with 100 or more employees and apply the following Model of Strategic HR Management as a means of investigating and assessing the strategic HR practices of the firm.
Source: Mello, J. A. (2019). Strategic human resource management (5th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western.
There are three steps to this Strategic HR Audit Assignment:
1. Quiz: Strategic HR Audit: Company Choice
2. Strategic HR Audit: Paper Assignment
3. Strategic HR Audit: Presentation Assignment
Please see the instructions for each part below:
Quiz: Strategic HR Audit: Company Choice
The purpose of this quiz is to propose a topic for the Strategic HR Audit Assignment.
In one essay question on the quiz, submit the name of your company choice for the Strategic HR Audit. Your chosen company must have at least 100 employees.
This week you have a choice to make regarding the company that you will pick for your HR project at the end of the term. My suggestion is to choose a company for which there is a richness of data and literature available.
Regarding some data mining, please see the video below. It was originally made when this course was structured differently and with a different text, but the message is still valuable.
As you consider the organization that you’ll be researching think about:
1. Will the data be available to support the required elements of the assignment
2. How can I look at integrating scripture and faith into this choice. Think about some of the ethical challenges in the world today and how our faith can address those (or those of the organization you choose).
There are many organizations that fail every day for a variety of reasons. I’m not sure what the data says about HRD failures and problems as potential root causes. Perhaps it is a factor? I look forward to hearing your ideas.
*****Please be mindful, if you work on part I of this project, you must work on part II and III as well.

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