Final Global Learning Essay Below are some guidelines for your Final Essay for t

Final Global Learning Essay
Below are some guidelines for your Final Essay for this course.
> Your topic MUST related to some aspect of global hiphop. It can be a deeper dive on material we’ve covered in class, or it can be a new investigation of either hip-hop in a country/region or a ‘big idea’ driving global hip-hop culture. Some examples would be feminist rappers in Chile, or the influence of rap and reggaeton on Puerto Rican political consciousness, or the role of rap in Chinese youth culture and expression… the list is endless! You should write about something you are genuinely curious to learn more about. You may write about US hiphop BUT it must include some global angle or influence.
> Your paper should be 5-7 pages double spaced, 12 point font.
> You are welcome to use the first person (I/me) in your essay, and you should feel free to share your informed opinion on the topic you are writing about.
> Sources: You are welcome to include websites, youtube links, and other popular culture references including social media like Instagram – but you must be sure to cite where your sources are coming from. You are STRONGLY encouraged to use at least one academic text, paper, or article as a reference in your paper.
> Citations can be in either MLA or APA style, whichever you are more comfortable with.
> I want this essay to be enjoyable to write, and I’m sincerely interested in learning from you. Teach us something, put us on to some artists, share your thinking with us!

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