Presentation: You will be required to prepare (but not give orally) one present

Presentation: You will be required to prepare (but not give orally) one presentation using power-point (.ppt or .pptx) or other presentation software on a relevant topic in cognitive psychology (100 pts). One of the most effective ways to learn something is to prepare a meaningful presentation. The presentation will be on an individual basis. Choose a topic that is relevant to cognitive psychology. Be very specific with your subject.
The minimum number of slides should be 25. Please make your last slide works cited, references, or bibliography slide detailing where your information is coming from (not as concerned about images). Please format your references in APA style.
I will grade the presentation as follows:
Organization (20 pts) Exhibits a structure that is clear and consistently observable, skillfully encoded and uses proper conventions. Grammar and spelling are accurate.
Research (psychological studies – 30 pts) Results of studies and/or case studies show thorough understanding of cognitive psychological content.
Supported statements (10 pts) Demonstrates proper and skillful use of a variety of high-quality sources.
Good use of illustrations, pictures, and/or video clips (20 pts) The product is clear, effective and compelling, with no distracting errors.
Creativity (20 pts) Clearly expresses a unique idea and/or perspective. Personal experience is present

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