During this time in American, the abolition movement was in full swing. Who was

During this time in American, the abolition movement was in full swing. Who was part of the abolition movement?  Read about the movement in Chapter 12.  For this reflection assignment, you’ll need to read page 451 in your textbook, “Frederick Douglass, Speech on July 5, 1852, Rochester, New York.” If you’d like to read the entire speech, you can find it HERE. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4h2927t.html
In your usual three paragraphs, first introduce the abolition movement. Who was part of this movement and why? Give examples.
Who was against it and why? What attempts were made to stop the abolition movement? 
After reading the speech, what did the Fourth of July mean to Frederick Douglass and why? What makes his speech so powerful even today?  Compare that to what the Fourth of July may have meant to the founding fathers in 1776 and to what it means to you today.
Listen to James Earl Jones read the speech below.
I am also included a link below to a PBS article where you can read more about the speech and watch an enactment. Remember that his name is spelled “Frederick Douglass.” I’m looking forward to your answers
Watch the videos!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0baE_CtU08&t=1s

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