please write a five-page paper evaluating the Arlington (VA) government agency’s

please write a five-page paper evaluating the Arlington (VA) government agency’s CAFR. The paper must be double-spaced with margins no greater than 1”, and use no greater than the 12-point font size. To receive full consideration, papers must substantially fill the fifth page.
• Choose one or more of these options for your paper:
–Discuss low performing or entities operating at a deficit, and compare management’s analysis in the CAFR to your own
–Trend analysis predicting a positive or negative impact on entity (including what financial statement impact you predict)
–Draw comparison or discrepancy between financial and statistical sections
–Discuss weaknesses in financial presentation or inconsistencies between media and CAFR data
–Identify high-risk businesses or funding streams, and compare management’s analysis in the CAFR to your own
–Discuss significant local events, and how they impacted financial information (e.g., lawsuit, natural disaster, major acquisition of land, etc.)
–Analysis of factors that prevent or enable growth, how this is presented in the financial statements, and compare management’s analysis in the CAFR to your own.
• One of the most important considerations in grading is that you ground your discussion to financial information contained within the CAFR (including citations to the pages within the CAFR).
• Consider reading articles from the local newspapers for ideas.
• The mere recitation of or agreement with the GAAP used by the selected government is NOT acceptable.
• It is critical that your paper incorporates information obtained from an analysis of the CAFR and includes the appropriate citations and references to the location(s) where/how the information was obtained.

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