1. What was the Return (NI) on Sales ratio for the company for each year 2014-20

1. What was the Return (NI) on Sales ratio for the company for each year 2014-2022?
2. What was the EBITDA to Sales ratio for the company for each year 2014-2022?
3. What factors explain that difference in the years 2019, 2020 & 2021?
4. What was the biggest factor in the decline in Cash between 2020 & 2021? Describe what changes in Working Capital might have affected that.
5. A lot of new debt was taken on in 2020. What, in your judgement, was the effect of that debt increase on the ability of the company to Service its debts?
6. Where do you think those new funds will be used? Are they mostly precautionary, or do you think the company might expand its capacity to push faster sales growth based on the information on hand?
7. If you were to give this company a score for its credit quality, on a scale of 1 (low) to 5, what would it be? What score (1-5) would you give it on liquidity?

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