For this paper I would like you to do a rhetorical analysis of a reading of your

For this paper I would like you to do a rhetorical analysis of a reading of your choice. I would
like you to find something through the Library. Try to find something in the sciences.
Ultimately, I want you to choose something you are interested in. Ideally it will make the whole
process less tedious, and hopefully more engaging for you.
Once you have chosen your reading. You will need to show your understanding of it. What is
the author saying, and what does it mean to you? I would suggest possibly using Harris’s
“Coming to Terms” to help with this, or use your own variation of it.
Then you will need to break down how the author approaches and conveys their
argument/claims and what the effects of that are.
What word choice are they using? What is the effect of that word choice? Does it establish
Are they formal? Informal? Why?
Who are they talking to? Does their audience affect the way they communicate ideas? Are their
instances where the author or authors assume prior knowledge of the reader?
How do they structure their arguments?
Do they use headings?
What citation style do they use? For instance, APA avoids gender pronouns and first person to
avoid potential bias. APA also includes the year when an author’s work is mentioned. Again this
is for a specific purpose and it can reveal the values of the discipline.
These are just some of the things to consider when writing, and you should not feel limited by
them. Ultimately, I would like you to consider these things and use them to analyze the beliefs
and/or values of the author/discipline/field of study etc.
4-6 pages
MLA or APA (12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced)
Due 3/12 by midnight

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