Purpose and Descriiption Joining a conversation is not always a simple task. As

Purpose and Descriiption
Joining a conversation is not always a simple task. As you have learned through previous assignments, it often requires us to listen, to ask questions, to research, to identify competing perspectives. It also requires us to take a position and add our own voice to the mix. Your aim in this assignment will be to take steps in this direction by 1) mapping out the conversation you have been researching, and 2) crafting the foundations of a novel argument. Please consider the following as you undertake this assignment.
Invention and Inquiry
Gather 3 new sources related to your topic;
Compose a brief summary of each source;
Undertake a preliminary analysis and make notes that you can refer to later;
Create a visual/concept map that represents the relationship between these sources and the two sources you analyzed in Major Paper II (for a total of 5 sources);
Briefly summarize your own argument, and add it to the visual map you have created.
The Composing Process
Compose a paragraph that describes the conversation you are joining;
Incorporate your map in a way that promotes readability and a clear design;
Compose a paragraph that explains how you plan to contribute something new and position yourself within an ongoing dialogue—essentially, how you plan to join the conversation.
Specific Requirements
Your paper should:
Gather new sources related to your research topic;
Summarize your sources;
Conduct a preliminary analysis of your sources;
Include a visual/concept map of the conversation as you have defined it;
Articulate and visualize your own position within the conversation/ map;
Include a title that reflects the spirit of the assignment;
Be 500 words in length (single-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface);
Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).
As you transition into the final project for the course, it is important to reflect on the reading, writing, research, discussions, collaborations, and other activities that got you here. The next step, which you will carry out in Major Paper III, is to take a position and make an argument that demonstrates your ability to say something meaningful about your topic—and thereby join the conversation. Please contact me if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.

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