Objective of the assignment: To develop a critical lens in which to examine cult

Objective of the assignment:
To develop a critical lens in which to examine cultural difference and considerations presented through documentary film.
Follow the steps below:
1. Watch the film the Angry Inuk here: (https://www-nfb-ca.lib-ezproxy.concordia.ca/film/angry_inuk/)
2. Based on your viewing and discussions with your peers, take one aspect of the film to explore through course materials and concepts.
4. Choose a particular perspective in which to frame your analysis. What does film reveal about our cultural relations with:
• the Inuit in Canada
• Canadians more broadly and;
• Ongoing discussions around human/animal relationship.
Your analysis should include:
• A one paragraph summary of the overall theme of the film and your choice of perspective
• Your concept/approach you will use to review the film (examples could include but are not limited to: power, indigenous perspectives on the environment, animal/human relations, Canada – indigenous people relations, cultural relativism, ‘cancel culture? With respect to certain cultural practices, appropriation, etc.
• 2-3 paragraphs of analysis
• Conclusion with a summary of your analysis, and what you learned from the
review and film viewing
*You may include external sources for your piece, but please use proper references (APA).
Possible sources to use:
-Perspectives CH 1 & 14 ONLY, Race & the culture of Anthropology, Sounds of Democracy (all uploaded in the files)

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