Article Review Value Choice Theories, Principles of Health Care Ethics This is t

Article Review
Value Choice Theories, Principles of Health Care Ethics
This is the third of three (3) news articles addressing specific issues related to medical ethics. You will write a review on each article utilizing concepts you learn in class. Each review will be a minimum of 1 page in length with an appropriate APA formatted bibliographic entry for the article you choose.
Search for a current events news article reporting on the actions or decisions made by health care providers. Use the approved sources below.
The health care provider may be an individual such as a physician, nurse, medical assistant, EMT or other health care personnel.
The health care provider may be an entity such as a hospital, medical practice, medical laboratory, or clinic.
Government agencies that have regulatory oversight over health care such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) may also be considered for review.
Laws or court cases that directly regulate health care such as the recent Texas abortion law may also be considered for review.
Articles that do not report on an issue directly related to health care should not be selected for review. There are many issues worthy of discussion, but the scope of this course is Medical Law & Ethics.
Summarize the medical / health care issue. This should be 5-6 sentences and include:
A description of who committed the action or made the decision. The individual health care provider and/or the health care entity.
A description of the action or decision
Those affected by the action or decision
If available the consequences of the action or decision, or projected consequences.
Choose and apply a value choice theory. This should be 5-6 sentences and include:
For information about value choice theories read pages 30 – 33 in the textbook or review the SmartBook (SB) activity in Connect week 1.
Choose one of the three value choice theories
Teleological or consequence-oriented theory
Deontological or duty-oriented theory
Virtue ethics
Describe the theory in your own words
Apply the theory to the issue in the article. Explain why the action/decision is ethical or unethical when evaluated through that theory.
Choose and apply a principle of health care ethics. This should be 5-6 sentences and include:
For information about principles of health care ethics read pages 33 – 38 in the textbook or review the SmartBook (SB) activity in Connect week 1.
Choose one of the seven principles of health care ethics
Autonomy or self-determination
Role Fidelity
Describe the principle in your own words
Apply the principle to the issue in the article. Explain why the actions/decision fulfills the principle or violates the principle.
Cite the article using correct APA format.

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