National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics; Council on Social Work Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards; and HIPAA Guidelines

For this assignment, write a 3 —5  page paper on social work values and ethics. This page limit does not include the cover page and reference page. Use APA style headings throughout to organize your paper. You do not need an abstract. Include a running header. It is expected that you use the following course sources: National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics; Council on Social Work Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards; and HIPAA Guidelines. In addition, you must cite at least two additional research sources using APA format. These sources must be academic, peer-reviewed journal articles. Research resources must be documented in the body of the paper when referenced and in the Reference List. The in-text citations and the Reference List must be formatted using APA style.
Use the following prompts to guide your discussion (I strongly suggest using this as an outline to guide your writing):
Introduction (.5 page)NASW Code of Ethics, the CSWE Educational Policy and Standards, and HIPAA. Define and summarize each of these and their importance to social work practice. Also, include if these policies are lacking in any way- how could they be improved? (1 page).Historical Implications. Discuss the origins of social work as they relate to ethics and values. Consider the context of oppression, equity, and social justice in the creation of our ethical code and profession. You can discuss the strengths of the field or unethical practice in the history of social work. (1 page)Self-reflection on Values. What are your values? How do your personal values connect to the profession? If you have any major value conflicts with social work, how will you manage this internal conflict? What will you do to you confront and address your own bias, privilege, and value differences with clients?  (1 page)Conclusion (.5 pages)
View the rubric by clicking here:  Paper 1- Values and Ethics Rubric.pdf
Here are some common questions we get on this assignment:
The first question is about citing sources. There are conflicting resources online about how to cite our code. Because the author is an organization, this is the way it should be cited (of course, if you access the spanish version, or a hard copy, it will be a little different). The code of ethics was revised in 2017, but published in the year 2018- so the publication date is what you should use. Here is how to cite the online version:
National Association of Social Workers (NASW). (2018). Code of ethics. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
For the CSWE EPAS, I would cite it as an article obtained from a website. Here’s the website:  (Links to an external site.)
How to cite an article from a website (from the purdue owl). Purdue is a great resource for APA format questions: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
For HIPPA, you would cite it as a law. Here’s an explanation of that and an example: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Example: United States. (2004). The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration.
The second question was about how to find good articles. I suggest using the ASU Library One Search tool. Make sure you’re signed in- this is the only bug in using this tool! A yellow box may pop up with a link to sign in; if you don’t do that, you may get asked to pay for articles (please don’t do this! Your tuition means you can access academic articles for free). Here’s a guide on how to use it: to an external site. and a guide on how to start your search for academic articles:
The third common question is about the oppression/privilege requirement. Keep in mind you can speak to this anywhere in your paper. As you research the general population, you may find disparities there. This includes a lack of research! Remember culture impacts everything we do- especially communication. Disabilities, feminization of poverty, disparities in healthcare, and the overrepresentation of certain groups in social services are all ways to discuss this topic. We view everything in social work through a lens of a person in the environment, so you will be addressing discrimination and oppression throughout your entire education- it’s what makes social work unique as a profession.

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