The topic for the behaviour intervention is: Exercised-Induced Weight Loss using

The topic for the behaviour intervention is: Exercised-Induced Weight Loss using entertainment restrictions as Commitment Devices. I need to write a paper that is proposing to conduct an experiment on that topic to prove if by limiting screen time on your smartphone could drive you to exercise more and loose weight. I am attaching a brief and the presentation I used to get my topic approved. Please read the document since the deliverable MUST respond all points mentioned in the brief, give the proper introduction and include the experiment design. You set the rules, hypothesis, variables, exclusions, etc. The experiment doesn’t have to be conducted, this is a proposal so imagine somebody will conduct it and this is the foundation for that. My idea is that a personal trainer sets a exercise program and then if you don’t exercise you cannot use your phone for entertainment purposes (other than email, text, calls, time, etc.). So keep that in mind when you design the experiment.

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