please read Case Study 5.5 on p. 141 of our textbook (“From the Outside: Cycloth

please read Case Study 5.5 on p. 141 of our textbook (“From the Outside: Cyclothymic Disorder”) and write a 1 and ½ page essay. Start with a Title Page and then include the Essay with your discussion of the following:
-What disorder is this individual suffering from?
-What is the main definition of this disorder?
-What are some key aspects of his symptoms and behaviors?
-Conclude with your treatment recommendations and personal considerations/conclusions.
Please do not write a summary of the case study, just follow the instructions above.
CASE 5.5 • FROM THE OUTSIDE: Cyclothymic Disorder
At his girlfriend’s insistence, Mr. F., a 27-year-old single man, goes for a psychiatric evaluation. Mr. F. reports that he is excessively energetic, unable to sleep, and irritable, and he isn’t satisfied with the humdrum nature of his work and personal life. He is often dissatisfied and irritable for periods of time ranging from a few days to a few weeks. These periods alternate with longer periods of feeling dejected, hopeless, worn out, and wanting to die; his moods can shift up to 20–30 times each year, and he describes himself as on an “emotional roller-coaster” and has been for as long as he can remember. He twice impulsively tried to commit suicide with alcohol and sleeping pills, although he has never had prominent vegetative symptoms, nor has he had psychotic symptoms.

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