Please read : Mclaren: Gender Equality and the Economic Empowerment of Women. (

Please read : Mclaren: Gender Equality and the Economic Empowerment of Women. (Attached as a file)
Only required to read until the last paragraph of the first 4 pages
Answer the following:
1.Please discuss the critique of universal human rights including some feminists’ critique of Liberal Feminist positions with regard to culture and tradition.
2.Please discuss Mclaren’s presentation of the Liberal Feminism vs Multicultural Feminism’s positions and what do both positions neglect?
3.Please explain the following two positions from Abu-lughod and Spivak,
historically the West has justified its interventions into other cultures by seeking to “protect women
History is full of examples of “white men saving brown women from brown men.”
Mclaren argues that “the West is privileged as the standard, and so is taken to be normatively neutral” why does she view this a problem?
4.Of the 1.3 billion people in the world who are recognized as the ‘absolute poor’ nearly what percentage are women?
Please read : Turcotte: Contextualizing Petro-Sexual Politics (attached as a file)
1.According to Turcotte, how does knowledge (in the West) conceal, obscure, elide and “disappear” structural and interpersonal global histories of gender, sexual, and racial violence? What is “epistemic violence”? Please be prepared to discuss and give examples of.
2.According to Turcotte, “Polgreen’s article constructs a teleological and unidimensional understanding of petroleum violence, one that begins and ends with community.” What does this framing of the conflict do? What does it erase?
3.Please explain the ways in which such segregation renders U.S., transnational oil corporations and others involved outside and above the conflict. What kind of rhetoric and stereotypes of violence are presented and portrayed in the media? What alternative historical narrative of gender and petro-politics in the Delta does Turcotte offer and how does that narrative challenge of “closed logics”?

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