Choose one and answer in 13 pages (Include Darwin and Marx) 1) Write about cont

Choose one and answer in 13 pages (Include Darwin and Marx)
1) Write about contemporary debates concerning evolution, particularly Gould versus Dawkins.
2) Write about theories of the brain. How do ideas of computers impact ideas of human intelligence in the last 50 years.
3) Write about the idea of the anthropocene. Where does it come from? Why do some people critique the term?
4) Write about the history of the idea of biodiversity. When did the term emerge? Have ideas of diversity changed over time.
6) How do we define the idea of objectivity and facts? How have ideas about objectivity and “truth” changed over the last 50 years, have they changed in relationship to media.
7) Write about a disease (any one you like) and its history? How has that disease been treated differently over time.

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