Here are instructions for the essay. You can use graphs, tables, and charts to s

Here are instructions for the essay. You can use graphs, tables, and charts to support your thesis. You can use any online resource, such as a recent “Best Buy” earnings reports to back up your claims.
• Double spaced
• Appropriate use of headings
• Ability to identify key issues facing the organization
• Appropriate use of relevant theories and models to analyze the case
• Creativity and feasibility of recommendations
• Appropriate use of evidence to support analysis and recommendations
• Overall writing style and skills
• A list of works cited (MLA bibliography style is acceptable)
Strategic Goals and Recommendations
– Do you recommend the organization to vertically integrate other stages of the industry value chain? Present your reasons.
– Do you recommend the organization to explore opportunities in international markets? Present your reasons.
– For every strategic recommendation you have made, is it the most productive way to leverage the organization’s core competencies? Does the organization have sufficient resources and capabilities to implement it? If not, what resources and/or capabilities need to be developed or upgraded within a reasonable time frame?
– If the organization needs to develop new resources and/or capabilities, what mode (in-house development, strategic alliances, or mergers/acquisitions) do you recommend? Present your reasons.
– To successfully implement the strategic recommendations you have made, what functional-level (e.g., marketing, R&D, logistics) and cross-functional issues should the organization pay special attention to?

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