recommend using Kipper Case’s annotated bibliography for her synthesis essay about minimum wage as a guide in creating your own.

Create a full annotated bibliography for 5 sources related to your topic. Find 5 sources that relate to the claim you’ve chosen. From this list of However, you may include sources that do not align with your side of the argument if you wish.
I recommend using Kipper Case’s annotated bibliography for her synthesis essay about minimum wage as a guide in creating your own. Her AB is in MLA format. Your AB needs to be in APA format. Keep this in mind. And also keep in mind that creating citations in APA format can be found in your book starting on page 600. Your textbook covers APA format and also how to create entries for APA format.
Also, one of your sources for your AB needs to be from one of the library databases. Keep in mind that you are allowed to use the source you found for the brainstorm and/or the prewriting assignment from earlier this week. Consider the pre-writing homework a “warm up” for your full AB.
You must search online regarding sources related to your topic. Create an annotated bibliography in order to take stock of what sources you have found and to summarize each source. This will help keep track of what you’ve found.
Write an annotated bibliography entry for each, then compile the FIVE (5) entries in alphabetical order. Each entry should be at least 125 words long. Each annotated entry should contain:
a. APA formatted citation for the text (as determined earlier in the term)
b. One paragraph summary of the text (approximately 100 words)
c. One paragraph evaluation of its validity and credibility (10-20 words)
d. One paragraph explaining how the information in this source helps you make your argument (25-50 words)

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