What are the common theoretical frameworks across the two articles? Where do they diverge?

Exercise Content
Article Synthesis and Critical Review
Find two scholarly journal articles (describing original research; not a review paper) on a topic of your interest. The two articles should each explore the same topic.
Write a thorough, critical synthesis and comparison of the articles. Include the following sections/information in your paper. You may use this template to help organize your paper: Article Critique Template
1. Introduction, including:
a) Article topics
b) Rough background of the literature (across the two articles)
c) What are the common theoretical frameworks across the two articles? Where do they diverge?
d) Research questions and hypotheses
2. Briefly compare/contrast the research methods in the two articles, including:
a) Research design
b) Sample and sampling method
c) Identification and measurement of variables
d) Study procedures
e) Data collection
3. Summary of the results for each study (limit yourself to 1-2 paragraphs for each study), including:
a) Interpretation of the findings
b) Discussion of how the results connect with the research question(s) and hypothesis
c) Discussion of what the study means in the big picture (how does it apply to society in general?)
4. Critique of each study, including:
a) Strengths and weaknesses of the study
b) Discussion of possible flaws in the study and how they are connected to the study design
c) Discussion of the generalizability of the study (both population and ecological)
5. Synthesis of the commonalities and differences in findings/significance of the two studies
6. Discussion of recommendations for future research, including:
a) Recommendations to address the identified gaps or flaws in the study
b) Recommendations that indicate an understanding of research design
7. Conclusion, including:
a) Summary of the main points of the study
b) Summary of the critique and recommendations
c) Discussion of how learning theory relates to the research
Be sure to use APA style, including appropriate grammar, spelling, and mechanics, as well as citations and references. This paper should be no more than 7 pages of text, but you are welcome to make it shorter if your writing is thorough but concise. Be sure to hit all of the points in the evaluation rubric.
Note: *A scholarly journal article is one that has been peer reviewed; An original research article includes the first time report of a research study or studies the author(s) conducted including methodology, results and discussion. If your article does not have a Methods section, it is not the right type of article for this assignment. If you’re not sure about the article you have selected, please ask (TEXT ME).

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