Describe an area/topic of human psychology that interests you and tell us why?

We have been going over a great deal of research concepts thus far. Perhaps this would be a good moment to inquire about research topics you are curious about or interested in. Take some time and synthesize some of your thoughts about research in this chapter and think about your own interests. One day you may be in research methods class and you may be asked to design an experiment. Or maybe think of yourself in graduate school working in a research lab. If you could design your own research experiment what topic would you pick?
For this discussion you must answer the following questions. 1)Describe an area/topic of human psychology that interests you and tell us why? 2)Identify some specific research questions you might have about that topic? 3)Describe how you would carry out a study on your top or question. In this response, I would like you to use some of the concepts from this module (ie. self-report, observations, correlational, experimental).
Please read this paragraph carefully and make sure you follow all instructions. It may include special instructions like submitting a file or commenting on a classmate’s response. Each question or prompt should be number and retyped. Then you are expected to write a solid, minimum 1 paragraph(min 5 sentences) response to each section. In general, I would write more than 5 sentences and more than 1 paragraph and make sure I clearly and directly answered the prompt. See this sample below for an upcoming discussion. This is an example: 1) Can you describe a time in your life where someone left you with a bad first impression, but you later grew to know and like them better? Your paragraph(s). 2)What were the factors that led you to such a negative first impression? Your paragraph(s) 3)What were the factors that helped you look past the first negative impression? Your paragraph(s) 4)Lastly, describe how research noted in the video is related to social psychology? Your paragraph(s)

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