PHASE 1 AND 2 of the attached document. You can also read the descriiption below

PHASE 1 AND 2 of the attached document. You can also read the descriiption below:
The core assignment in this class is a single paper to be written in parts over the course of the semester. As stated in the syllabus, the gist of the project is to propose a scientific study to answer a social psychological question and write about what might be learned based on the potential results. I do not expect you to actually carry out the study, but you should be able to describe it in enough detail that someone could carry it out if they wanted to. I encourage you to propose a study that you would not be able to do yourself please submit each draft as a Microsoft Word document, double-spaced and formatted in 12 point Times New Roman with one-inch margins. Cite your sources (in-text citations and works cited page). I want you to think creatively about this assignment, but I must impose one restriction in order to make some of the later aspects of the assignment possible. You must propose an experiment wherein your main hypothesis concerns the relationship between two binary variables and one numeric variable. Specifically, your experiment should have: • An experimental manipulation with two conditions. In other words, you should plan to randomly assign each participant to one of two versions of the procedure. This process results in one binary variable. (You might think of this as a binary independent variable or a factor.) • Another binary variable. This could be another experimental manipulation or a measured variable, but it must also have two categories. (You might think of this as another binary independent variable or factor.) When you consider this binary variable in combination with the experimental manipulation above, the result will be that every participant falls into one of four categories. • A numeric measure of a variable that might be affected by the manipulation. (You might think of this as your dependent variable.) Once you have these three variables in mind, you should be able to formulate predictions about how the average (mean) value of the numeric dependent variable will be different in the four combinations of the binary variables. Phase 1: Propose a topic Come up with an idea for an empirical question that one could ask about a social psychological topic, and a research procedure that could be used to begin to answer the question under the stipulation above. You should be able to list the two binary variables and the numeric variable. You may find that you need to simplify your initial idea in order to focus on just two binary independent variables. For the initial topic proposal, I do not need a detailed descriiption, but I do need to understand the research question, the gist of the procedure, the three key variables, and the hypotheses that the procedure will test. Your topic proposal document should have three short sections. (They could be as short as three or four sentences each, although you may write more if it helps explain your point.) The first part should explain your general topic. Tell me what you want to study. The second part should explain the procedure of the study you wish to propose. For example, suppose you were testing the effect of physical warmth on mood. You might randomly assign each participant to sit in either a warm room kept at 75°F (24°C) or a cool room kept at 65°F (18°C). You might also randomly assign each participant to wait in their room for one minute or ten minutes. Then, participants might fill out a questionnaire indicating the degree to which their current mood is positive or negative. The third part should state the hypotheses your procedure is intended to test, phrased in terms of the three specific variables clearly measured or manipulated in the procedure itself. You should have two or three hypotheses, and I should be able to trace every concept in your hypotheses to the concrete steps of the procedure mentioned in the previous section. To continue the above example, you might test the hypotheses that participants in the warm room would report more positive mood than participants in the cool room overall, and that this effect would be larger when they have been in the room for 10 minutes as opposed to 1 minute. If your topic proposal document has all three required parts, you will get full credit. Phase 2: First draft The first draft of the paper will resemble a shortened version of the introduction and method sections of a psychological research report. Give your paper a descriiptive title and print it on the first page, immediately before the introduction begins. The introduction (approximately 2 double-spaced pages) should explain why the topic is important, define any key terms, provide background information for the hypotheses, and clearly articulate each hypothesis. If you think it will help with the organization, you are welcome to subdivide the introduction into sections for importance, definitions, background, and hypotheses. You should have two or three hypotheses. You will be expected to cite at least two published research reports in this part of the paper, most likely in the service of defining key terms or providing background information. When citing a source, refer to the authors and year in the text of the paper (e.g., Burke, Wang, & Dovidio, 2014), and then provide a “References” page at the end of the whole document that lists the rest of the details of the source (article title, journal name, pages, URL, etc). An example in APA style is shown below, but it is OK if yours does not perfectly match APA style. The method section (approximately 2 double-spaced pages) should describe the procedure with enough detail that someone could actually do the study if they had access to the necessary resources. For convenience, you may write it in the past tense, as though you have really done the study. List every important step, and quote every important instruction and survey item. You may include survey items in a table or appendix as well, if it is not convenient to list them in the body text of the method section.

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