1. Within the clinical environment where you are most familiar would you say tha

1. Within the clinical environment where you are most familiar would you say that the decision-making process outside of client care are mostly top down or representative of a complex environment that is nonlinear, dynamic and often uncertain. Provide examples to support your thoughts.
2. Identify six different internal and six external organizational metrics that you believe would be important to systematically monitor through data collections to maintain the success of your organization. Explain why you selected these.
3. Recognize how contemporary strategic management is being envisioned in today’s health care environment and your role in this process.
4. Locate the mission, vision, values, and goals for the organization where you work. Share these with your classmates and then tell us are these in line with the textbooks definitions and which ones of these are being done well and which ones have areas for improvement.
5. How would you expect to see the ideas of a cost-benefit or break-even analysis used in your organization.

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