Background: Students in this class are below grade level, have emotional and beh

Background: Students in this class are below grade level, have emotional and behavior disabilities.
Data Review and Baseline Evidence: Provide information
from the pre-assessment, assessments or other data that you
used to determine this focus. What does the data tell you? What
information do you have that leads you to focus on this
learning?  Data was collected by the following 5 classroom routines.
How to follow basic routine classroom instructions: 1. such as be able to start class within the first 5 minutes of class, 2. wait for teacher outside of classroom, 3 grab binders, and 4.sit quietly as possible.
Rationale: Explain why this learning content is
important. Is this skill or concept one that students
have great difficulty achieving?  Is this a priority for
your school or school system? Is this skill or concept a
prerequisite or a foundational skill for your students in
the content you teach? Why is this skill or concept
important to the development of these students?

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