Read all the instructions carefully before beginning the project: Ethical leader

Read all the instructions carefully before beginning the project: Ethical leadership project. This project is another program outcome. By the end of this course you should be able to “manage systems, operations, and organizational behavior with a focus on how ethics impacts an organization’s culture.” This project will be due in three parts in weeks 6, 10, and 14 of the semester. This project is the culmination of your work for the semester. You will be given a situation in a business organization in which you are a manager or a leader. You will be asked to assess this situation and give a proposal for what should be done to deal with some matters of serious ethical consequence for the organization. Your project should be submitted in a file format, each part being two pages long not counting a title page, size 12 Times New Roman font, double spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides. Since this is a report, we are not overly concerned with the format. For your research citations, use APA’s Publication Manual style, 7th edition. Note the grading rubric. For a superior grade, you must be using at least two peer-reviewed type sources. Simple blogs found with a Google search are not peer-reviewed publications. Use e-books or the journal databases in Amridge library’s comprehensive resources such as Business Source Premier, Academic Search Premier, or ATLA. The textbook can be used as one source. The sources must be used in the papers in a substantive manner, cited, and included in the References. You should use or implement one or more strategy that you learned this semester in your project proposal: A few examples of these strategies will be given in the following list. Implementing a strategy in your proposal involves more than merely saying that you would use this strategy. If that is all you say, then you have not said anything more than a repetition of a line in the instructions. You must research, analyze, and apply. Then you must explain HOW a strategy can be implemented and WHY it would be effective and helpful in dealing with the problem under consideration. For example, it is NOT sufficient to say that you are implementing a Code of Ethics in the organization. You need to explain HOW you would go about doing that and WHY a Code of Ethics might help with the particular problem you are addressing. Here are some of the strategies we have studied this semester that you might use in your project proposal. Note: In making a proposed response to the problem in your case study, you may need to propose a short-term response to deal with the immediate situation and then a long-term response (one of the strategies from the following list), which would possibly help in the future if similar situations arose in the organizations. Following Best Practices: Persuading employees of the importance of being ethical Best Practices: Hiring ethical people through a six-step ethics job screen process Implementing a Code of Ethics in the organization Implementing a Code of Conduct in the organization Implementing an ethics training program in the organization Implementing diversity training workshops in the organization Implementing an ethics reporting system in the organization Implementing an ethical appraisal system in the organization Ethically empowering employees Implementing a plan to green your organization It will be helpful for you to follow the ethical reasoning of Table 5.3, which is listed in module 14 in Canvas and on page 126 of your textbook. Pick one of the following case studies to study, research, analyze, and apply the principles you have learned this semester to for your “Ethical leadership project.” Upload your completed project in the link in module 14. Tell which case study you are doing, #1, #2, or #3. Do not reproduce the case study itself except the number and title. Your completed project should be about 500 words and written as a business proposal designed to be submitted to upper management in the organization. This is not a term paper but a business proposal within the organization. How you organize your project will depend on which one you choose and how you envision it. Here are some possible headers you might include. Analysis of the situation. Ethical values important to the organization and stakeholders. Options open from which to choose. Potential consequences for each option for the organization and stakeholders. Recommendation for action to be taken. Possible long-term actions to be considered. Part #2: Ethical methodology and leadership strategy. In part #2 you need to state your foundation for ethical values. Will you apply character or value ethics to the case study? Will you use deontological ethics? The Golden Rule? Will you adopt a mere minimum standard of following government law and regulation? What type of practices will you recommend as an ethical leader in addressing the problem in this case study? For example, will you recommend ethical training (chapter 6), affirmative action (chapter 7), an ethics hotline (chapter 8), performance assessments (chapter 9), or financial incentives (chapter 10). Study chapter 5 through 10 to write part #2 of your project. Case study #3 – Advice – page 175 of the textbook After graduation, you obtain a job as a sales representative with a large advertising agency that negotiates media campaigns for corporate clients. Sales representatives travel to assigned markets and negotiate advertising opportunities with television sales managers. Sales representatives have specific media client guidelines specifying the television stations and programs from which commercial time may be purchased, along with a budget ceiling. Sales representatives are assigned partners who provide moral support. Your region is Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. Claire, who has been the sales representative for California for about a year, is your partner. The two of you contact each other once a week for updates. On a Monday evening, a distraught Claire calls you for advice. Earlier in the day, she met with KXYZ-TV’s new sales manager to negotiate media placement advertisements for Cadillac and Best Buy. The total market media dollar allocation for these two companies in the San Francisco market is $7 million dollars. KXYZ-TV historically has received 20 percent of the business. Claire informs you that while meeting with KXYZ-TV’s new sales manager in his office, he made unwanted sexual advances toward her. Claire was shocked by his behavior, quickly ended the discussion, and left the building with a promise to return the next day to finish the sale. “It was a really scuzzy experience,” Claire tells you. “I know our clients want to advertise on KXYZ-TV, but I don’t feel comfortable dealing with that guy.” You note that if she delayed the visit for a week, you could join her and do the sales call together. Claire rejects your offer and insists on handling this herself. Nonetheless, she seeks your advice on what to do next. Critical Thinking Questions What would you recommend? Return, close the deal, and say nothing about the sexual harassment Return, close the deal, and report the sexual harassment incident to her supervisor Don’t return and report the sexual harassment incident to her supervisor Something else (if so, what?) Why is this the right option to choose? What are the ethics underlying your decision?”

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