order number is 436937475( minor revision) Explain each line on the coding Jupyt

order number is 436937475( minor revision)
Explain each line on the coding Jupyter file and explain how to select each package to move the warehouse
Interpret your results and explain how to get the output one by one on the evaluation code file
We will grade the midterm project based on your code works and solve the problem with files and ranking scores
If you code well, you will get 22 points, and based on the ranking, you will get between 0 and 5 points
Ranking will be based on how to organize and use list compression, functions, methods, less computational time, and explain the code well
If you did not explain the code and your results, it will be very hard to understand and grade it for you
and also please change the code name as shown in the pdf Your final submission will contain two files:
1. The first would be the ” Fall21_Mid_Walmart ipynb” notebook. You need to provide code for
your answers as well as your answers. We strongly recommend you provide explanations for key steps
in the code so that we can know what you intended to do when something goes wrong.
2. The second is the “Distances.csv” file.

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