Milestone Two should begin to create an outline of the final case study analysis

Milestone Two should begin to create an outline of the final case study analysis. In this milestone, you should continue to explore the ideas you developed in Milestone One regarding the ethical conflicts and interactions present in your chosen case study vignette.
Case 2–3: Sarah Bellum, Psy.D., completed her graduate training in the 1980s, before clinical neuropsychology evolved as a distinct specialty. She was trained to “assess organicity” using the first edition of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), House-Tree-Person drawings, and the Bender Motor Gestalt Test. She has never studied neuroanatomy and has no knowledge of newer assessment tools designed for use in neuropsychological assessment. Her current practice focuses chiefly on psychotherapy. An attorney contacted Dr. Bellum about assessing a client who had suffered a closed head injury and was experiencing language, memory, and perceptual sequella. She accepted the referral and tested the client using the “tried-and-true” techniques she learned decades earlier.

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