1. MAARIE Questions for Week 2 Assignment: This document contains the questions

1. MAARIE Questions for Week 2 Assignment: This document contains the questions you will be answering for this week’s assignment, as well as instructions for how to complete it.
MAARIE Questions for Week 2 Assignment.docx
2-4: These documents are supplements to the study we are looking at this week. Sometimes the supplemental content will be where you find the answers (or parts of answers) to some MAARIE questions. NOTE: You still need to follow the instructions located in the Week Two assignment document to find the STUDY. These items are just supplements to the study.
Disclosures Nonsedation or light sedation study.pdf
Study Protocol Nonsedation or light sedation.pdf
Supplementary Appendix Nonsedation or light sedation study.pdf
of 2
WEEK TWO HOMEWORK: MAARIE Questions for Critical Analysis of the Nonsedation or Light Sedation in Critically Ill, Mechanically Ventilated Patients StudyNOTE: Make sure you are analyzing the Nonsedation or Light Sedation in Critically Ill, Mechanically Ventilated Patients StudyInstructions:1. Open this document and save a copy to your computer or flash drive. 2. Next, enter your answers to the questions as you analyze the study.3. Save the document with your answers.4. Look for the submission link titled “Use this link to Submit Your Answers for your analysis of the Nonsedation or Light Sedation in Critically Ill, Mechanically Ventilated Patients” study on Blackboard and cut and paste your answers to the selected questions from your homework document into the “quiz”.Method- The purpose and population for the investigation1. Evaluate for conflict of interest. Who conducted the study? A group of researchers based at a reputable university or research institution, or an individual without clear affiliations? Be particularly cautious about accepting claims about treatment effectiveness in articles by people who intend to sell the treatment. Who funded the study? If a researcher received funding from an independent granting agency that uses a peer-review process for evaluating and awarding funds, the findings might be more credible and less subject to bias than if the funding agency has a vested interest in the results. If a commercial entity sponsors a study, this should be disclosed. But although sponsorship may influence the authors’ conclusions in some instances, this is not always the case. There are many research partnerships among industry, university-based researchers, and institutes, so this can be a difficult issue to assess. Make sure you include an answer to the question and your evidence for that answer; for example “I believe a conflict of interest may exist because . . .” or “I believe a COI is unlikely because . . .”2. Study hypothesis What is the study question being investigated? 3. Study population What specific population is being investigated? What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the subjects of the investigation? Some of this information may be in the supplementary material. 4. Sample size and statistical powerHow many individuals are included in the study and the control group(s)? What is the stated study power? Are the participant numbers adequate to sufficiently power the
study? Your answer should include a statement about the study being powered sufficiently or not and your evidence. Assignment- Selection of participants for the study and control groups5. ProcessWhat specific method(s) is/are used to randomize participants to study and control groups (computer generated in 1 to 1 allocation or were blocks used, etc.? Are the numbers of participants in the treatment and groups similar? 6. Confounding variablesLook at the baseline characteristics, are there differences between the baseline characteristics for study and control groups that may affect the outcome of the investigation? Offer of at least one confounding variable that the authors hadn’t included in the baseline characteristics or the inclusion and exclusion criteria that might affect the measured outcome(s)? 7. Masking or blindingAre the participants and the investigators aware of the participants’ assignment to a particular study or control group? If patients are not aware but investigators were the study is single blind. If the patients and the researchers don’t know, then the study is double-blinded. If an independent/impartial group was used to evaluate the data and this group didn’t know about the participant’s assignment then report this information. Assessment-Measurement of outcomes or endpoints in the study and control groups8. AppropriateWhat primary (and secondary) outcomes did the authors choose to measure. Are the outcomes selected appropriate when you consider the hypothesis for the study? 9. Accurate and preciseHow will the outcomes (primary and secondary) that were selected be accurately and precisely measured? Remember to answer the question as well as provide your evidence of this. 10. Complete and unaffected by observationIs the follow-up of participants nearly 100% complete (did the same number of participants who started the study end the study—or did the authors tell you what happened to them) and is it affected by the participants’ or the investigators’ knowledge of the study or control group assignment?

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