You are the executive assistant for Mr. Wolfe, the CEO of The Camping and Outdoo

You are the executive assistant for Mr. Wolfe, the CEO of The Camping and Outdoor Life Company. It is a company of between 75 and 100 employees. Each year, the CEO hosts a 2- day weekend retreat for the entire company. The company is located in Any Town, Ohio and you have been tasked with the job of coming up with a recommendation of where to hold the retreat as he does not want to go to Squirrel Lake Resort again this year. The venue must include facilities for hiking, boating, swimming, fishing, and other outdoor activities as those are the chief hobbies of most employees, and a conference or ballroom to be used for the general meeting and luncheon. In your internal memo to the CEO, you must include:
Introduction recapping what the CEO has asked you to accomplish
A list 4-6 criterion that you will use to make your comparison, and why they are important
A descriiption of what each of your top two choices have to offer ( I would prefer if these are real locations in Ohio or surrounding states.)
A comparison/contrast of your top two choices–this should include a table for clarity
Your recommendation
Remember that if you use information from your research you must include MLA citations

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