Analysis the following passage from book 1984 by Orwell George. ( chapter 3 sect

Analysis the following passage from book 1984 by Orwell George. ( chapter 3 section 3 page 244)
“You are ruling over us for our own good,” he said feebly. “You believe that human beings are not fit to govern themselves, and therefore—”
Answer the following questions about The above passage.
-CONTEXT – the situation of your passage, thoroughly explained: what is going on? Who is present (“on stage”, so to speak); what came before and after your passage? (when relevant)
-COMMENTARY – literary features appropriately selected and thoroughly explained
examples: plot, theme, character development, features of style, including interesting vocabulary and sentence structure; connections to the rest of the text; literary devices such as irony, satire, metaphors; descriptiveness and imagery

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