ESSAY ASSIGNMENTS NOVEL ANALYSIS Novel read: ​Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 Them

Novel read:
​Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451
Censorship destroys a free society, which supports individualism; thus, man, who is not allowed to fully express his individuality through thinking and choosing, dies.
Compose a 1000 word essay, analyzing the theme of Fahrenheit 451 by discussing the influence on the protagonist Montag of his four “teachers”: Clarisse, Faber, Granger, and Beatty.
* use quotes from the book and cite page #
Characters used
Plan of Analysis (Discussion of four “teacher” characters and their influence on Montag)
​Development (Using a type of “comparison” structure)
In alternate paragraphs, present the view of each of the four “teacher” characters and follow each with an explanation of the result of the views on Montag’s thoughts and actions.
Give your evaluation of the effectiveness of the novel in putting across the theme and your reaction to it.
1200 words, approximately 4 pages (typed and double spaced)

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